Donation Property Mini-Grants - Admin

Every three months from the grant contract effective date, quarterly reports must be submitted until the grant contract is complete.  Click the corresponding link to download a fillable Quarterly Progress Report form.

Step 1. Submit / update contract pre-disbursement documents.  

  • Check that your pre-disbursement documents outlined in Exhibit C of your contract are up-to-date.  Submit any necessary pre-disbursement documents.

  • NCLWF currently has Exhibits C documents on file for most non-profit organizations, but it is your responsibility to update these documents as necessary.  

  • In addition, non-profit organizations must have submitted a copy of their most recent annual audit.  

  • Use FormSite to submit pre-disbursement documents. Click HERE for guidance on using FormSite to submit requisite documentation.

Step 2. Submit draft conservation easement for review.

Email a copy of the draft conservation easement to the Acquisition Program Manager prior to recordation.

Step 3.  Accept property/conservation easement and record closing documents.

Step 4. Submit Claim (Reimbursement) Request.  

  • Claim Requests must be submitted through the online grant management system EBS.

  • Transaction costs incurred before closing may be requested prior to closing after pre-disbursement documents have been completed/updated.

  • Additional forms may be necessary to document expenses incurred throughout the project.  These documents can be downloaded by clicking the corresponding link.

  • Detailed instructions for submitting a claim in EBS can be found in the EBS Help Document.

Step 5. Submit post-closing (recorded) documents.

  • All post-closing documents must be submitted on USB drive or disc.

  • In addition, a hard copy of recorded surveys and conservation easements must be submitted.  

Step 6. Submit the final report.

A final report must be submitted at the completion of the contract.  Click the corresponding link to download a fillable Final Report form.

Changes in Scope of Work, Project Delays, and Cancellations

Grant recipients are responsible for the successful completion of their projects and should maintain open lines of communication with NCLWF staff regarding any questions, concerns and/ or possible changes to their project.  Changes must be discussed with NCLWF prior to implementation as some changes may require NCLWF Board approval.  Unless approved by NCLWF, all work must be completed as outlined in the grant contract scope of work and budget.  All requests for changes to any or all parts of the executed contract must be submitted using the online EBS system.  Detailed instructions for submitting a Change Request in EBS can be found in the EBS Help Document.