Since its creation in 1996 by the General Assembly, the North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF), formerly known as the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, has conserved well over one-half million acres and protected or restored 3,000 miles of streams and rivers. 

“For 25 years, the Land and Water Fund has played a vital role in protecting North Carolina’s water quality, open spaces, and treasured cultural resources,” said Reid Wilson, secretary of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. “These grants have been used in all 100 N.C. counties to help ensure clean drinking water, protect natural habitat and preserve our unique natural and cultural resources for future generations.”

“Access to trails, greenways and open space is so important to our health and well-being,” said John Wilson, chair of the NCLWF board. “This critical need has been especially apparent recently as North Carolinians are seeking fresh air, exercise and recreation in record numbers. Public access will continue to be a priority for the Fund.”

The North Carolina Land and Water Fund has protected the state's natural and cultural resources for 25 years under its old name and will continue to do so long into the future under the new name. 

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